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All Things Made New

Brenda Conner

(Rev 21:5 –  And the One seated on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new!”)


Today, we are celebrating the New Year.  Many of us even gathered with family and/or friends last night and stayed up way past our normal bedtime to usher it in.  Many of us are off from work today to observe the New Year.  (Unless you are in the medical field, some retail, or hospitality services; and to you, I say a special “thank you.”)


But on New Year’s Day, what are we really celebrating? 


After all, nothing has really happened yet to celebrate!! … But THAT’s exactly what we are celebrating!!  The newness.  The clean slate.  The fresh start!


 Why do so many of us stay up late to watch the previous year end and the new year begin?


                Maybe it has something to do with seeing the old year end and a brand new year begin.  It feels like we can leave the past behind us and start something new.


So with the start of the New Year, many are taking on New Year’s Resolutions.  Why is that?  Why do we not collectively set as many new goals on some random Tuesday in August, for instance?


                I believe it is all about New Beginnings --- and the hope of good things to come.  The New Year promises a fresh new cycle of time, a time to re-set, re-focus, and start anew.



What if I told you that with God every day is like New Year’s Day … but even better!!  Let’s check it out:


In Isaiah 43:18-19 (TLV) – it says this:  Do not remember former things, nor consider things of the past.  Here I am, doing a NEW thing; …


In Lamentations 3:21-24 (TLV)– it says this:  This I recall to my heart – therefore I have hope:  Because of the mercies of Adonai we will not be consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are NEW every morning!  Great is Your faithfulness.  “Adonai is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.”


The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew, and the Hebrew word for “new” in all these verses has a meaning beyond our English word, “new.” 


You see, the Hebrew word is Chaddashah.


Chaddashah doesn’t just mean new now – it means continually new – it never goes from new to old because it is constantly re-newing, always new, always fresh.   That’s the “new-ness” God calls us to.



II Corinthians 5:17 (TLV) says this – Therefore if anyone is in Messiah, he is a new creation.  The old things have passed away; behold all things have become new. 


And in II Corinthians 4:16 (TLV) it says this --  Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though our outward man is decaying, yet our inward man is renewed day by day. 


So, as we begin a new year, be assured that if you are in Messiah, each and every day of 2024 is your own spiritual New Year’s Day – fresh, new, and full of promise!! 


Happy New Year!!  And Happy Re-Newed You!!


Blessings to You!!






PS – Come back later this month and we will go a little deeper with this lesson in Part 2.







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