About us
our Deciples:

Brenda Conner
Lead Pastor
Brenda Conner, wholeheartedly agreed to be “admin’ed” by Emily. Brenda’s strongest spiritual gifts are teaching, prophecy, and evangelism. Back in her early teen years, Brenda had an advanced biology course her freshman year of high school. While studying genetics and mutations, she asked some questions about gain-of-information and irreducible complexity that rattled the teacher, so she was told not to ask any more questions. Her inquisitive nature would not be so easily dissuaded, and so she set out to find answers to her questions, coming across the work of Dr. Henry Morris, and the rest is history! Over the last few decades, while living a somewhat isolated lifestyle, Brenda has spent countless hours studying God’s Word, especially as it relates to prophecy, history, and science. She truly has an anointing and heart for sharing what she has learned in ways that help bring the Scriptures to life. … Oh, and she LOVES questions!

Jennifer Sorrell
Team Youth Director